These are pictures from today of parts of the first page of the official website for the Charlottesville police department:
These are pictures from today of parts of that police department's statement, posted at its website, about its investigation of Jackie's story:
"Haven" is a conglomerate code word for voyeurism. "Monahan"; do they mean "Moanahand"? Is the Charlottesville police station not only lying about everything having to do with Jackie's story, but also making a joke of the entire thing?
This is another picture of that statement:
"Drew." He was a member of another fraternity in 2006? That means that nothing he told Jackie about himself was the truth; he told her that he was a third-year student and that he was a Phi Psi member. Of course he lied to her, and of course he organized gang rapes at a fraternity that was never his; that was the only way that he could bring a woman to a fraternity house for the purpose of getting her gang raped. Everyone at his own fraternity house would know that he wasn't a student, that he was older, and that he didn't even live at the fraternity house any more.
It would seem that Drew was either a college drop-out or someone who had graduated and then, finding the world outside a college town less hospitable to infantile men than he liked, ingratiated himself to young, male fraternity members by bringing them women to rape. It's not surprising that he was able to get Jackie to trust him so easily; how many years had he already spent devising his technique for preying on young women?
This is another picture of the statement:
Would the records to which the Charlottesville police department supposedly couldn't get access be the ones that would help prove that Jackie told the truth?
This is another picture of the statement:
The man in the picture that the Charlottesville police and many other people have tried to say proves that there was no party at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house was standing next to the stairs and the side door, holding two chairs, when the picture was taken? Was he bringing the chairs somewhere just because he felt like moving furniture? Did someone take his picture because everyone in the fraternity was bored that night and they decided to have a chair-moving contest? Isn't moving chairs the sort of thing that usually happens at a party, when the place gets crowded, so there's more room for everyone? Isn't it likely that the only picture that the police were given, or that they wanted to get, was one of the few taken that night that didn't show a lot of people in the house?
The rest of the statement is one sentence after another that shows the forcefulness with which the Charlottesville police department denied everything that Jackie ever willingly told them. Who can blame her for refusing to give more information to a police department that used everything she said against her?
The Charlottesville police station is probably not the only police station in a college town whose history of discrediting rape victims and protecting their wealthy attackers is as long as the college, and world, history of making sure that rich, male criminals don't go to jail. How many college buildings were financed by the fathers of rapists?
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, March 27, 2015 @ 7:09 p.m.