My saying that I am not to blame for the dissolution of your marriage doesn't mean that I want to date you; it means that I don't want to be blamed for something that isn't my fault.
Of course, I'm sure that you realize that the conglomerate will be more than happy to continue to blame me as long as you continue to do things that it can interpret as signs of interest from you to me, and that you can also treat me horribly in the really offensive way of which so many male celebrities have not been cured since the conglomerate formed and exploded into virulent misogyny in 2010, and you can do all of that while dating whomever you want to date, and that your girlfriends will also abuse me, and it's going to go on forever.
Leave me alone.
I told you years ago that if you divorced your wife, it would not be to date me, and it won't.
Copyright L. Kochman, August 26, 2015 @ 2:42 p.m./addition @ 2:45 p.m.