I thought it was bleakly hilarious that the reporter who did a story about the former nanny for Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner said that she, the reporter, also has nannies and then included pictures of the nannies in their underwear in the report.
What was that story really about? Was it a chance for the reporter to gloat over the Affleck-Garner divorce by sending the message that her own marriage is so secure that she doesn't worry about having pretty young women around her house all the time?
How did that story get broadcast? Was there no manager who could see how inappropriate the pictures of the reporter's nannies were? "Look everybody! Soft-core porn pictures of the girls who take care of my kids! Unlike those A-listers Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, I don't have to worry about MY marriage; everything's fine at my house!" That's not a quote from the story; it's my interpretation of what happened last night.
The infotainment industry's lack of awareness is both appalling and horribly funny.
Copyright L. Kochman, August 1, 2015 @ 11:52 a.m.