Do those of the staff at homeless shelters who read and listen to my publications obsessively read and listen to the publications of all their guests? Do they watch and dissect all of the online drama of their clients, gossiping with each other about their judgments of their clients, planning what they're going to wear, say and do the next time that the clients are at those shelters, to show their disapproval and disrespect and to add to the emotional and social burdens of their targets?
Do the staff at shelters who read and listen to what I publish and who then spend time thinking of ways to make my life more painful think that the way that I conduct what passes for my personal life is horribly inferior to how most homeless people probably conduct their personal lives? Do those staff think that the stress that being homeless puts on all homeless people doesn't affect me the way that it affects other homeless people? Do they think that I have less stress than the average homeless person does?
Copyright L. Kochman, October 27, 2015 @ 12:47 p.m.