That's a picture from today of posters that are right outside of Central Square Station.
Bernie Sanders might not be a billionaire. I don't think that he's personally hurting for money, though, and it seems to me that he is not above using my folky status, and my being from Vermont, to get publicity and support for his candidacy, even while he abuses me the way that the conglomerate does.
I was born and raised in Vermont; he wasn't. Vermont being a very small state with a small population has meant that a lot of people who would be nothing special in a lot of other places have socially and politically dominated the state for decades. Some of what they do is positive; however, there's a reason that most of the adult children of the transplants from other states fled Vermont as soon as they could.
That's the Web address for the pages of Google search results for a search of the term "brain drain vermont."
I have said before that I always have been and always will be a Democrat. It gets frustrating being abused year after year by Democrat politicians.
Copyright L. Kochman, September 30, 2015 @ 10:29 a.m.