The University of Virginia is a state school. That means that it's easy for the state government to direct the workings of the school, including discouraging investigations of rape and other crimes. Anyone who works at that or another state school who tries to support a victim of rape by students or who otherwise demands accountability from the school or the police probably risks having his or her entire department defunded. That also means that there is pressure within school departments to be silent or to collude with the denial.
It's not just pressure from rich alumni with which the University of Virginia and schools like it have to contend; it's also pressure from people in the local and state governments who either have children at the schools or are loyal to the rape-apologist social network, or are funded by people who have children at or other ties to those schools.
The government controls the state schools. It also controls all of the police departments.
Copyright L. Kochman, April 5, 2015 @ 11:09 p.m.