I have no talent. I can't write a sentence.
I'm just a selfish, bad person who tries to use my aging beauty to get attention from celebrities.
I'm devious; you can tell by how many times I've been voyeuristically videotaped. I'm a liar; I'm always trying to trick people, take things away from them, and take credit for their work.
I never have concern for anyone except myself. I try to make things difficult and painful for people for no reason.
I am chronically disrespectful. I am constantly making sexual gestures toward people, no matter how many times they have told me that they don't like it and they want me to stop. If I don't like something that someone has done or said, I ridicule the person by implying that his or her genitals smell bad. I always blame other people for things that are my fault.
I am the worst person in the world. I have not had enough bad things happen to me to make up for all of the bad things that I have done and am going to do to other people.
I am a millionaire who depends on my money rather than my character to make people like me.
End of Sarcasm Alert
Copyright L. Kochman, September 1, 2015 @ 10:27 a.m./addition @ 10:28 a.m.