Sunday, May 31, 2015

The double standard for gender and wealth

May 31, 2015

Those are pictures from today of the first part of the first page of Yahoo search results for Leonardo DiCaprio.

I am hunted like an animal every day.  I am harassed, stalked, ridiculed, lied to, lied about, videotaped in bathrooms, a constant focus of jokes and threats by publications, governments, corporations, individuals, even volunteer organizations. I can't get or keep work or housing because of how stigmatized I am.

All of that is being caused to happen to me by the same people who are praising Leonardo DiCaprio for his promiscuity.

I doubt that he knows how many people he has slept with.  If he does know that number, I'm sure that it's many multiples of the number of people with whom I have had sex.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, May 31, 2015 @ 3:13 p.m.