Saturday, September 26, 2015


September 26, 2015

3VB 744

One of the men putting that hole in the street coughed at me.

Why is this happening?

977 V V 1

That ad is on a trash can that's on the sidewalk in front of Berklee School of Music.


947 VA1

254 BJ7

2CL 448

Public bus 2241

7EL 630

3PJ 295

3CP 168

445 VD9

1LV 224

8777 TX from Maine

2LC 311

361 GV2

These three cars are parked next to each other:

486 GE2

169 C   taxi

I never saw Virginia license plates around the Boston area until after I had written for a while about the University of Virginia.

Copyright L. Kochman, September 26, 2015 @ 5:28 p.m.