Sunday, September 27, 2015

From smart to stupid: the career decisions of a young, Hollywood actress

September 27, 2015

It's as if she's doing everything that she can to ruin what being the star of The Hunger Games movies did for her.  "No, I'm not brave or resourceful or supportive of the idea of being a strong woman, and I want everyone to know that I hate Lena just as much as all the men who aren't as smart as she is."

Maybe I could have thought of a nicer way to say "The men of Hollywood are jealous of my intelligence and are dealing with it by endlessly calling me a slut," but I will not sleep tonight and am mercilessly abused every day, so I'm not feeling creative about how to tell the truth right now.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, September 27, 2015 @ 10:53 p.m.