Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Mara Lane

September 29, 2015

You do have a bad memory; you keep forgetting that I could have been dating Jonathan Rhys Meyers after he broke up with the last serious girlfriend that he had before you, and that I could have taken him from you after he started dating you. I'm not a bad person, so I don't do things like that.

It seems to me that part of the vindictive anger that women like you try to pass off as justifiably self-righteous, moral outrage is just the pouting of your bruised egos over knowing that your men are with you because I told them "No."  It doesn't seem to occur to you how fortunate you are to be with men whom you love and who love you, no matter who has rejected them.  Maybe you were never rejected, miserable and alone enough throughout your lives to know to what it feels like just to be glad that you have someone; I was.

Copyright L. Kochman, September 29, 2015 @ 7:51 p.m.